, pub-1183232341631896, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Anders Cooks: About Anders

Sign Up For My Second Book

Purchase a coil bound luxury copy of my first book "Tinfoil Cooking" right here on my website. This book is printed on 80# stock and lays flat on your counter when open. You can also purchase a paperback version or an E-Book version on or on The book is also available all over the world on the Amazon platforms. My second cookbook is coming soon, stay tuned.

About Anders


Anders on the beach outside Los Barriles in Baja California, Mexico.
Anders on the beach outside Los Barriles,  Baja California, Mexico.
I'm Anders Treiberg.  I live on the West Coast of British Columbia.

Sweden is my birth country, and I came to Canada in 1976 to be a cowboy.

Cooking has been a big part of my life. I started early, around age 13, when we had to take home economics in school. I just loved it.

My mom has always been an exceptional cook, and I learned much from her. My cooking style is European-influenced, with a good mix of North American and a bit of everything else around the world.

I am not a chef and do not have any culinary degrees. The only experience I have is the School of Life. Simply, I just love to cook.

When  I travel, I always seek out the local foods in the different areas and countries I visit. It gives me an excellent insight into how people live and eat.

When I am not cooking or hanging out behind the BBQ, I write books. I am getting close to publishing my second book. My first book, Tinfoil Cooking, is an Amazon Best Seller and is published as an E-Book and in paperback. 

I really hope you enjoy my website. If you have any questions or suggestions, I would love to hear from you. Just use the contact form.

Enjoy your day,


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