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Anders' Summer Salad

Anders' Summer Salad Recipe

Salads can be made in so many ways and can be a whole meal if you prefer. For this Summer Salad I use all kinds of ingredients. Feel free to substitute any of them.


  • 1 ripe avocado (should be a bit soft when squeezing)
  • Lettuce or mix of organic greens (even some spinach is fine)
  • 1-2 Tomatoes
  • 1 ripe Kiwi, you can use grapes, apples or other fruit, but the kiwi makes it very fresh.
  • 1 hand full of Fresh Basil or other herbs of your choice (optional, but very good)
  • 1 hand full of pine nuts (or any other nuts you like) also optional

Plate with Summer Salad
Summer Salad
For this recipe use Liz’s Salad Dressing, mix up the dressing, then cut the avocado into bite size pieces and mix well into the dressing. 

This will make the dressing a bit creamy from the avocado and it tastes fantastic.

Add the lettuce, cut the tomato into wedges and add, cut the Kiwi into bit size pieces and add, if you have fresh Basil, tear the leaves and spread on top, the aroma from Basil is fantastic. 

Mint leaves would also work well. Add the pine nuts on top. Before serving toss well. It’s gorgeous.

Kiss the cook


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