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Jeanette's Honey and Soy Marinade

Honey and Soy Marinade Recipe

Honey Soy Marinade
Honey Soy Marinade
Here is a great marinade from my friend Jeanette.

It is easy to make and gives the meat a fantastic flavour.

Especially great with Pork, try Jeaneatte's stuffed pork loin recipe.

Mix the following ingredients together:
  • ½ Cup honey
  • ½ Cup white wine
  • ¼ Cup soy sauce
  • ¼ Cup oil
  • 2 cloves garlic, crushed
  • Salt and pepper
  • Fresh rosemary sprigs or other herbs of choice

Combine all ingredients and pour over pork loin, chicken thighs or any other meat and keep in a zip lock bag in the fridge.  Refrigerate for 4+ hours turning occasionally.  Good Luck,

Kiss the Cook,


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