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Anders' #3 Salad Dressing

My #3 Salad Dressing

Many people think salad dressings are hard to make. Nothing is further from the truth, it is easy and fun, besides you don't have a bunch of preservatives to deal with.

Salad in a bowl with Anders number 3 dressing. Topped with chicken or tuna.
Use this dressing with chicken or tuna on top.
Here is another of my dressings.

  • 1 tbs of Vinegar (I use Omega Nutrition Certified Organic, Unfiltered and Unpasteurized Apple Cider Vinegar, comes in a brown bottle)
  • 2 tbs of Chutney ( I use Mrs H.S. Ball's Original Recipe Chutney, available in most stores)
  • 2 tbs of Mayonnaise ( I'm a big fan of Hellmann's Real Mayonnaise)
  • 3 tbs of Olive Oil. Buy the best cold pressed extra virgin oil you can afford, if you can get an unfiltered product, all the better.
  • 2 strips of cooked Bacon, chopped in small pieces
  • 3 ribs of Celery. Peeled and sliced fine.
  • 1 Red Pepper
  • 1 clove of Garlic (optional), chopped fine
  • Salt and Pepper to taste
In a salad bowl mix with a whisk the vinegar, chutney, mayonnaise, olive oil and garlic. Peel the outside of the celery to get the stringy stuff off, then slice very fine. Remove the seed from the pepper and chop in to ½ inch pieces.

Add the celery and pepper to the liquid dressing. Let sit for at least an hour in the fridge or at room temperature, depending your preference. I like it at room temperature, it brings all the flavours out just nicely.

When you are ready to serve, toss with your favourite lettuce or greens. Top with tomatoes and grilled chicken or tuna.

Wine Pairing and Recommendation:

If you have been following my blogs you know I'm a big fan of Rosé wines. They are so refreshing and goes especially great with a nice light lunch.

If you have not had Quails Gate Rosé, you have been missing out on probably one of the best Rosé wines on the market.  Quails Gate Wine Maker Grant Stanley has done it again!!

Made from 100% Gamay Noir grapes makes this a dry wine but with flavours that will set your taste-buds on a roller coaster. Creamy Rhubarb-strawberry is what first comes to mind, followed by red current aromas. I always keep a good supply in my cellar. All I can say, buy it by the case!

Bon Appetit,


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