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Judy's Crab Dip

Crab Dip A La Judy

Urs and Judy's boat Ravensong.
Urs and Judy's boat Ravensong.
This great recipe I got from my very good friend Judy.

Judy and her husband Urs who live on their yacht "Ravensong". They have sailed and explored the West Coast of British Columbia for many years.

They are so knowledgeable in all aspects of boating. We have had the pleasure of spending some times with them, exploring parts of BC beautiful coast.

More pictures of our Desolation Sound and von Donop photo albums.

Liz, Judy and Urs on Ravensong.Time for a crab dip
Liz, Judy and Urs on Ravensong.

By spending so much time at sea one automatically becomes an expert in seafood.

Judy is no exception to that rule. She is a fabulous cook.

Urs is a fantastic photographer.

Many of his works can be seen in private residences and in offices around the world. Check out his website

Here is one of Judy's favorite Crab dips:

  • ⅓ cup unsweetened coconut milk
  • 3 scallions chopped
  • 1 tsp jalapeno chopped, include seeds
  • ½ cup chopped fresh cilantro
  • ½ cup mayonnaise
  • 3 tbsp fresh lime juice, to taste
  • 1 lb crab meat
  • salt to taste

Crab Dip
Crab Dip
Mix all ingredients, except crab.  Fold in crab at the end. Serve chilled with crackers, raw vegetables or chips.

Wine recommendations:

Try a nice Crisp Sauvignon Blanc.

Sauvignon Blanc originates from the Bordeaux region of France.

Sauvignon Blanc is a green skinned grape variety.

Some Sauvignon Blanc I find a bit on the "grassy" side, I prefer one that is more on the fruty side. Try a Sumac Ridge Sauvignon Blanc from the Black Sage Vineyard. Sauvignon Blanc is one of the few wines that pairs nicely with Sushi as well.

Kiss the cook,


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