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Tinhorn Creek Vineyard's Merlot

Merlot, Merlot, Merlot

Bottle of wine with some cheese
Pair this wine with some hard cheese or...
Merlot is a wonderful grape and makes great wine on its own or blended. Merlot is one of the most popular variety in many markets. It is also one of the main grapes used in the Bordeaux wines from France.

Last night we had a very special bottle of wine. Not only was the wine fantastic but the bottle had special meaning to me. I will explain later.

The wine was a Tinhorn Creek 2005 Merlot. Tinhorn Creek Vineyard is high up in the hillside on a former gold mining creek, Tinhorn Creek, located above Oliver (the wine capital of Canada), BC in the Okanagan Valley.

This is a great wine that pairs nicely with cheeses like Cave Aged Gruyère from Switzerland or Comtè and Beaufort from France. For a main course Roast Pork or try it with Friday Night Chicken.

"This wine lingers nicely on the palete, I sense Blackberries, a little spice, and a delicate balance between fruit and oak".

To quote Tinhorn Creek:

"If this wine were human, it wold grab you by the hand and insist you dance - even if no one else was. It would yell "I love you" at the top of its lungs. It wouldn't  be afraid of a little elbow grease  -  especially if it meant helping a friend. It would live by the philosophy: "work hard so you can play hard". This wine isn't human. But you are so enjoy it with meat or pasta. And when you hear a song you love, turn up the volume  -  and dance."

We got this bottle from Bill and Jeanette back in February. Bill (William Malcolm) passed away just recently, he was a wonderful friend, and I dedicate this post to him. Had Bill been able to enjoy this bottle with us, he would have used the above quote from Tinhorn Creek, it is so much like him.  Cheers Bill.

Till Next Time,


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