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Basic Soup Recipe

Easy Soup Recipe

Bowl of soup
Basic Soup Recipe
This is my basic soup recipe, and it is super easy to do.

If at all possible, I prefer to make a soup on home made soup stock from chicken or a ham bone. This is not always available, so then I use Knorr Bouillon.

A soup can be made on just about any leftovers, from gravy, vegetables, cooked potatoes, meat, then throw a can of corn in there.... you name it, it can all go in there.

This recipe is super easy and anyone can do it. This easy soup is really good on a cold rainy day. This is for two people.


  • 1 liter or 1 quart of cold water
  • 1 Knorr Vegetable cube of bouillon
  • 1 Knorr Chicken cube of bouillon
  • 1-3 green onions or shallots, finely chopped
  • 1-2 shredded carrots

Vegetable Bouillon cubes
Vegetable Bouillon Cubes

Chicken Bouillon Cubes
Chicken Bouillon Cubes

Chopped Carrots and Green Onions
Chopped Carrots and Green Onions
Bring water to boil in a medium size sauce pan. While it is starting to warm up break up the boullion and add while stirring with a whisk. 

Once it boils, let it simmer a few minutes, then add the onions and carrots. Then simmer two more minutes. 

Serve with some Swedish Wasa Bread and some Havarti Cheese. You can of course use any bread you like.

That's it. So simple. Just keep in mind you can use whatever you have in the fridge. If you had a stir fry the day before, just use the leftovers in the easy soup... Yum!

Kiss the cook,


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