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Easy Meat Rub #1

Meat Rub #1

This is a great meat rub that I mixed up. Works great on just about any kind of meat. Super good on Rotisserie Chicken and pork roasts. Can be kept in the cupboard for a long time.

Here is a tip, when rubbing the mixture on the chicken or roast, use a spoon to scoop it on the meat and latex gloves to rub it into the meat.

Let sit for two hours in the fridge with the rub on it before cooking.

Note, I use regular sugar instead of brown sugar that most rubs have. This makes the rub easier to keep and it does not cake up.

Ingredients are as follows:
  • ¼ cup of Sugar
  • ¼ cup of Paprika
  • ¼ cup of Lawry's Seasoning Salt
  • 1 tbsp of Garlic Powder
That's it. Mix well and keep in a zip lock bag.  



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