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Cornbread on the BBQ

Corn Bread - Camping Version

Cornbread with lots of butter
Cornbread with lots of butter.
Cornbread is one of those dishes that just smacks of "warm and fuzzy" all over.

I got this recipe from a really nice lady we met in an RV park and I can not think of her name.

Cornbread goes great on its own with lots of butter on top, with chili, meat sauce, salad and more. Soul food!

This recipe is geared towards camping and boating. It is made on a small BBQ with very little mess. I use a pre-made tinfoil loaf pan 8 x 4 inches or 20 x 10 cm.

You will love this corn bread recipe, a light, and fluffy bread and not too sweet.


  • ½ cup or 125 ml of Corn Meal
  • ½ cup or 125 ml of Flour
  • ½ cup or 125 ml of Milk
  • 2 tbsp of Sugar
  • 2 tbsp of Sour Cream
  • 2 tbsp of Canola Oil
  • 1 Egg
  • 2 tsp of Baking Powder
  • ¼ tsp of Salt
  • Bread Crumbs
  • Cooking spray
Turn on the BBQ to low. Spray the tinfoil loaf pan with canola oil and add breadcrumbs to coat the inside.

Cornbread on the RV BBQ
Cornbread on the RV BBQ

Finished Cornbread loaf.
Finished Cornbread loaf.

A steaming hot slice of cornbread
A steaming hot slice of cornbread
In a medium-sized bowl add the egg and whip with a whisk for a minute. Add sugar, salt, and milk. Whisk again for about a minute.

Next, stir in the flour, then the cornmeal, the sour cream, and finally the baking powder. Kep stirring till the mixture is nice and smooth with no lumps.

Pour the mixture into the prepared tinfoil pan, using a spatula to clean out the bowl. 

My RV BBQ is small and give out a lot of heat even on the low setting so I put a small piece of tinfoil on the grate, shiny side down to reflect some of the heat so it does not burn on the bottom.

Bake 20 - 25 minutes at around 375F or 190 C. A toothpick should come out dry when testing the bread.

Once cooked, use a dinner knife and work around the edges of the pan then flip the bread over on a cutting board or cooling pan.

Cornbread should be eaten warm with lots of butter on it. 



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