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Pickled Red Cabbage Salad

Fermented or Pickled Red Cabbage Salad

Serves 4 people
Cooking and preparation time 30 minutes

Pickled Red Cabbage Salad with Charcuterie
Pickled Red Cabbage Salad with Charcuterie
Such a great salad and really easy to make. You can use whatever pickled cabbage you can get your hands on but I prefer Kühne brand.

It is made in Germany and is super good warm or cold. For this salad, we will go with cold.

Pickled cabbage like this one is full of nutrients and vitamins. According to the label of this jar, 1/2 a cup has 70% of the recommended daily vitamin C

Turmeric, I just love turmeric for its natural properties to keep you healthy. If you can not get your hands on some fresh turmeric, no worries, just leave it out but it would be a shame. The fresh turmeric does not add or take away flavour, it tastes a sort of bitter, just a little.

I add the fresh turmeric because it is a super potent antioxidant, and, also anti-viral and anti-bacterial, plus many more benefits. The fresh turmeric looks a bit like fresh ginger but smaller tubers. Ask your grocer to carry it. They will stock turmeric if they want your business. Get in the habit of using this natural wonder.

Recipe Ingredients:

  • 360 ml or 12 oz of prepared red cabbage. That’s half a jar of the stuff I buy
  • 1 medium-sized apple, peeled, cored, quartered and sliced fine
  • ¾ cup or 177 ml of mayonnaise
  • 3 tbsp of sour cream or crème fraîche
  • 3 green onions. Minced
  • 1 tsp of fresh turmeric. Minced fine
  • Salt to taste
  • White pepper to taste

Jar of Prepared or Pickled Red Cabbage
Prepared or Pickled Red Cabbage
In a medium-sized bowl add the cabbage, mayonnaise and sour cream. Give it a good stir so it is well mixed. Feel free to adjust the mayo and or the sour cream to your liking.

Quarter the apple, then core and peel each piece before slicing it thin.

Add each piece to the cabbage mixture and stir in right away so the apple does not turn brown on you before proceeding with the next piece.

Add the mince the green onions and the turmeric. Mix well with a large spoon or spatula. Add salt and pepper to taste. Keeps 2-3 days in the fridge.

I like to serve this dish up as a main salad with a slice of whole grain bread topped with some Havarti cheese. Add some charcuterie and your all set.

Stack this salad on top of a turkey burger and you are almost in heaven. It tastes so fantastic.

This salad is absolutely scrumptious as a side salad accompanying a nice pork roast.

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