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Sweet Potato Mash and Bratwurst

Mashed Sweet Potatoes and Brats

Serves 2-3 people
Cooking and preparation time, about 30-40 minutes

Sweet potato mash with bratwurst
Sweet potato mash with bratwurst
Mashed potatoes are super good and if you make them with sweet potatoes they really pack a punch.

Do not confuse sweet potatoes with yams. Many places in Canada and the USA call sweet potatoes yam. This is actually incorrect.

A yam is way different and has white flesh and is toxic to eat unless it is cooked.

Mashed sweet potatoes go great with fried bratwurst, caramelized onions and red peppers.

Ingredients for the mash:

  • 2 medium-sized sweet potatoes, a bit bigger than your fist. Peeled and cut into 1.5-inch or 4 cm pieces
  • ¾ cup or 175 ml of milk
  • 2 tbsp of butter
  • Salt to taste
  • White pepper to taste
  • A pinch of freshly ground nutmeg

Ingredients for the brats:

  • 2-4 bratwurst. Fresh from your local butcher is best
  • ½ onion, sliced
  • 1 red pepper, seeded and sliced
  • 1 tbsp of butter

Peel the sweet potatoes and cut into equal size pieces. The more even the pieces can be, the more even they cook. Fill a medium-sized pot with water half full and add a tsp of salt. Add the sweet potatoes and bring to a boil over high heat with a lid on. Once the water is boiling turn the temperature down to medium heat and let it boil till the potatoes are soft when forked.

So tasty and so good or you. Sweet potato mash, red pepper, caramelized onions and bratwurst.
So tasty and so good or you. Sweet potato mash, red pepper, caramelized
onions and bratwurst.
While the potatoes are boiling, add the butter to a large frying pan over medium heat.

Let the butter melt then add the brats to one side of the pan and the onions/peppers on the other side.

Let it fry away toss and turn every so often. 10-15 min should do it. Depending on your stove, you may have to turn the heat down a bit more.

Once the sweet potatoes are cooked, drain, leaving them in the pot and set to the side on a coaster with the lid off. Let the steam evaporate.

In the meantime add the butter to the milk in a glass bowl or glass measuring bowl and microwave for about 30-50 seconds. Once the milk is warm or hot, move the bowl around and the butter will melt fairly quickly.

Using a potato masher, mash the sweet potatoes right in the pot while slowly adding the milk/butter mixture. The mash should be fairly loose and fall off a spoon when tipped over. Do not beat the sweet potato too much. I prefer a few chunks in the mash.

Taste with, salt, pepper and a pinch of fresh ground nutmeg.

Serve up with the brats and the onion/pepper combo. Enjoy

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