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Anders Balsamic BBQ Glace

Anders Balsamic BBQ Sauce

If you want to add a really nice flavour to your steak then try this easy recipe. You can use store-bought balsamic reduction but I prefer homemade. Check out my recipe.


  • 2 tbsp of homemade balsamic reduction
  • ½ tbsp of Canadian Maple Syrup

Sprinkle sauce over steak or as in the picture,  baste the steak when you BBQ it
Sprinkle sauce over steak or as in the picture,
baste the steak when you BBQ it
In a small bowl, mix the two together. You can adjust your sweet tooth according to you tastebuds, add more or less maple syrup.

I prefer to drizzle a bit of this on top of a BBQ'ed strip loin or prime rib just as it is served. It is so good. 

Alternatively, you can baste some of it as you are BBQ'ing, just keep a good eye on it so it does not burn.


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