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Homemade Tortilla Chips

Homemade Tortilla Chips

Homemade tortilla chips
Homemade tortilla chips
These homemade tortilla chips are so good, you’ll never buy the commercial chips again. It is easy, but you have to pay attention to what you are doing.

For this recipe, I used 6-inch corn tortillas but you can use whatever size you want.

The tools you need for this is a medium-sized frying pan, a slotted spatula or large slotted spoon for removing the chips, a set of tongs (optional), a knife to cut the tortillas, paper towel and two cutting boards.

If you have a BBQ with a side burner you may want to consider doing this outside. If you do it inside make sure to have the range hood fan on.


  • Tortillas, fresh or frozen. If frozen, thaw them out first.
  • Canola oil or you can use grapeseed oil, Avocado oil or peanut oil
  • Sea salt

Turn on the range hood fan.

In a large frying pan or in a large saucepan add about 1 cm or ½ an inch of oil and bring up to medium-high heat. While warming the oil, cut the tortillas into chip-sized pieces using a small cutting board. The 6-inch size is perfect for cutting into 4 pieces.

Cut tortillas into chip size pieces
Cut tortillas into chip size pieces 
On the counter (if you have granite countertop) or on a cutting board lay out the paper towel. This will be where you first lay the chips when they come out of the oil.

The oil should now be up to heat, gently drop the cut pieces into the oil, do not crowd the pieces, depending on the size of your pan, 4-6 pieces is the most. It should fizz and bubble.

Chips frying
Chips frying

Do not overcook. The ones on the bottom right are cooked too much.
Do not overcook. The ones on the bottom right are cooked too much.
You must pay attention, not only is the oil super hot but these tasty little things cook fast. They will start to change colour after about 20-30 seconds, using the spatula or the tongs turn them over and let them cook/fry a bit more.

Do not overcook, if they start to get a darker colour the taste turns to bitter.

Remove the chips with the slotted spatula to the paper towel and sprinkle with sea salt. Do one batch first and let them cool a bit and give them a try. It is a very fine line between not cooked enough and overcooked. Do the rest of the chips.

Let the oil cool and then using a sieve pour it into a storage container for next time. Remember to mark the container.

These chips will not last long that’s for sure and they are best enjoyed fresh. It is a bit of a special show if you do this when you have a few friends over and then serve them up with some guacamole. See my recipe.


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