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Left over Chicken Salad Recipe

Recipe For Chicken Salad - One Of My Favourites

Chicken Salad on Wasa Rye Bred
Chicken Salad on Wasa Rye Bred
One of my long time favourites for left over BBQ Chicken Thighs or BBQ Chicken Thighs Bone In is this easy to make chicken salad recipe.

It is quick and easy and is great as a side dish, on a sandwich or on Wasa Crisp Bread.

You can also use this salad on crackers as an appetizer.

Ingredients are as follows:
  • Left over BBQ Chicken Thighs, 10 pieces give or take.
  • One fresh red pepper (yellow or green works as well)
  • Half a medium sized red onion (any onion will work, even green onions)
  • 1/2 cup (120 ml) of mayonnaise, add more or less depending on your liking
  • 2-3 ribs of finely sliced celery (optional)
  • 1 tsp (5 ml) of curry powder (optional)
  • 1tsp (5ml) turmeric powder (optional)
  • A little bit of fresh cracked pepper.
Chopped Red Peppers
Chopped Red Peppers

Cut up the the chicken in small 1/4 (6 mm) inch pieces, chop the red pepper into the same size.

The onions I prefer to have chopped really fine. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl. You should not have to add any other spices if you used Montreal Chicken Spice when you BBQ the chicken. If not you will have to add some salt.

You can also add finely copped celery to this recipe. It goes very well.

If you have time, let the salad sit in the fridge for an hour or so, the flavours will blend nicely. Good luck.

Kiss the cook,



  1. Wow that sounds really delicious, can't wait to try it!
