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Recipe for Mushrooms and Sugar Snap Peas Saute.

Mushrooms and Sugar Snap Peas - The Easy Recipe

This is a great and easy combination of two vegetables that goes with just about every kind of meat, even seafood.

The amount of vegetables you need is depending on the crowd you are feeding, but a hand full for each person is a good count. Here are the ingredients:
  • Sugar Snap Peas
  • Mushrooms
  • Olive oil, 2tbs
  • Butter, 1 tbs
Heat the oil and butter over low to - medium heat. Slice the mushrooms (about 1/4 inch thick) and fry them till the outside is starting to get crisp. Add the sugar snap peas and fry another 5 minutes or so. The sugar snap peas should be crisp. Season with salt and pepper and any other spice you care to use.

This combination looks and tastes great. Good luck.

Bon Appétit,



  1. [...] to cut the rack. Serve with rice, potatoes, pasta or what ever you like and some vegetables like Sugar Snap Peas and Mushrooms. This recipe is very easy and your guests will be impressed when you cut the meat at the table. Good [...]

  2. [...] before cutting at the table. Looks great. Serve with rice, pasta, or just steamed asparagus or sugar snap peas and mushrooms. Anything [...]
