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Anders' Best Salad Dressing Recipe

My Best Salad Dressing Recipe

Use This Dressing on Any Salad.
Use This Dressing on Any Salad.
Here is my favourite salad dressing recipe, it makes enough for 6 people give or take.

You can use this dressing on any salad your heart desires.

Once you start making your own salad dressing, you will not go back to the dressing you buy in the store.

Here are the ingredients:
  • 1-3 cloves of Garlic, minced ( I like 3, most people would probably like 1-2).
  • 2 tbs of Raspberry vinegar (or any other gently flavoured vinegar, you can use regular vinegar in a pinch)
  • 1.5 tbs of un-pasteurized Honey (buy local stuff made from wild flowers or..)
  • 1 tbs of Old style mustard (stone ground, or courser ground). I prefer Grey Poupon with white wine.
  • 1tsp of Dijon Mustard (Also Grey Poupon with white wine)
  • 5-6 tbs of good Olive Oil
  • Herbs, like fresh basil (optional)
  • Avocado (optional)

Mince The Garlic
Mince The Garlic

Add The Ingredients in to a bowl
Add The Ingredients

Whisk Together.
Whisk Together.
Mince the garlic fine and add in to salad bowl, add the vinegar. It really pays to buy some good vinegar to use for your salad dressings. We have 5-10 different kinds in the pantry at any given time. Good vinegar is priceless, just like good olive oil.

Now stir in the honey, as I mentioned, get some really good local honey, you may not think that there is a difference in the taste of honey, but it can be dramatic difference in the taste of the honey depending on what type of flowers the bees have been getting their nectar from.

Add and stir in the Old Style mustard and the Dijon. The Dijon will actually smooth out the vinegar and take a bit of the edge of it and give it a creamy look.

Stir all these ingredients for a minute or two and then let rest for about 5 minutes before adding the oil. The vinegar will draw a lot of flavour out of the garlic and mustard. Then add the oil.

Again  when it comes to olive oil, buy the best there is or what your budget can afford.

When we visited the Tuscany in Italy we picked up some fantastic unfiltered olive oil, it still had bits and pieces of olives in it..... so good.  I think I would make a good Italian.

There is your dressing, guaranteed to impress. You can make this way ahead and keeps well in the fridge for a week or so.

If you are adding avocado, now is the time to do it, cut into bite size pieces and stir into the dressing, it tastes fantastic. The herbs, I like to add with the salad.

Now you can add you lettuce, organic greens, spinach or what your choice of salad is on top of the dressing, feel free to add some fresh fruit as well. Just do not toss the salad until just before serving or your lettuce will go limp on you, also the fruit is better if you cut up and add at time of serving.

As far as wine goes, for a vinegar based dressing, I prefer just water or better yet sparkling water like San Pellegrino. The vinegar has a tendency to take away flavour from most vines. If you are making a cream based dressing like a Caesar Salad dressing, some white or red wines are OK. Good Luck.

Kiss the Cook,


1 comment:

  1. [...] recipe is as good or better then “Karl’s Best Salad Dressing Recipe“. I really like this one because it gives you that special fruit flavour. Here are the [...]
