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Creme Fraiche For Tartes Flambees

Pizza Sauce The French Way

Tartes Flambee with Creme
Tartes Flambee with Creme
If your local grocer carries Creme Fraiche you just skip this recipe and make sure he or she continues to do so. Our Grocer carries Liberty Creme Fraiche.

If you can't get you hands on some  Creme Fraiche you can easily make some. Alternatively you can also use Double Cream (like English Double Deveon™ Cream).

This recipe is a wonderful sauce for thin crust pizza or Tartes Flambees as it is called in the Alsace region of France. It is easy to make:

  • 200 ml of whipping cream or double cream
  • 3 tbs or 45 ml of sour cream or butter milk.

That's it. Just mix in the sour creme to the cream and let stand for 3-4 hrs at room temperature to get the sour cream working. Then put in fridge and use it on your favourite thin crust pizza instead of regular tomato based pizza sauce.

The recipe for the crust, and the actual pizza (Tartes Falmbees) is so easy to make, and should be served right out of the oven.

Good luck, go ahead and impress your friends.

Kiss the Cook,


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