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Lisbeth's Thin Pizza Crust for Tartes Flambees

Best and Easy Pizza Crust Ever

Tartes Flambees is a specialty of the Alsace region of France and it is great as a snack, lunch or dinner. This recipe I received from my sister-inlaw Lisbeth in Switzerland.

Here are the ingredients:
  • 200 grams of flour
  • 1/2 tsp of salt
  • 100 grams of cold butter
  • 4 tbs of cold water

In a bowl mix the salt and flour then slice the butter in to the flour. With your hands toss the butter so it becomes coated with flour and then further rub the butter and flour between your hands so it crumble.

Continue to rubbing the dough till there are no big lumps of butter left. Then make a small well in the middle of the dough mixture and add the water. Now work the water and the flour till you have a nice dough. This will only take a few minutes, you do not want this dough to become warm.

Once you can make a nice ball from the dough, let it sit in the bowl and put in the fridge for at least 30 minutes to cool before rolling out to a thin crust.

Once the dough is cooled off, bring your oven up to heat 260C or 500F. You are now ready to make your pizza, cut the dough in half and on a lightly floured surface roll out the dough with a rolling pin. Don't worry about getting it perfectly round or square... just roll it any directions.

You will have to dust the crust while rolling it out, lifting it off the surface and flour on the bottom as well. Once you got it really thin you are ready for what ever topping you like.

Try the specialty from the Alsace called Tartes Flambee or thin crust pizza. Bake for 10-15 minutes in a regular oven or 5 minutes in a bread oven.

Kiss the cook,



  1. [...] you just skip this recipe and make sure he continues to do so. This is a wonderful sauce for thin crust pizza or Tartes Flambees as it is called in the Alsace region of France. It is easy to [...]

  2. [...] France. It is a wondeful and impressive dish that has to be served right out of the oven. The dough can be made ahead of time and kept in the fridge. The ingredients are as [...]
