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Anders' Wine Review of The 7 Deadly Zins

Lodie Vienyards 7 Deadly Zins

7 Deadly Zins Wine From Lodi Vienyards
7 Deadly Zins Wine From Lodi Vienyards

Every so often I come a cross a wine that is very exceptional in one way or another. Yesterday I picked up a couple of bottles of  "2006 7 Deadly Zins" a Zinfandel from the Lodi Vineyard in California.

This lovely wine comes from Michael and David Philips at Lodi Vineyards and their top seven growers. It is carefully blended and the wine is made from grapes whose vines are on average around 50 years old.

The result is a rich and fruity wine with blackberry and cherry flavors and a strong peppery note.

Michael and David describes the wine as "A vibrant, sweet bouquet of raspberry jam, molasses and cinnamon toast evoke the senses of carefree youthful nights.  Excellent oak integration provides silken tannins and spice to pair with Lodi’s unrestricted wild berry fruit."

They suggest pairing the wine with BBQ'd Salmon, Prime Rib or grilled Vegetables. We actually had it with Pork Rib Roast and it paired very well. This wine is on the must drink list. More on The 7 Deadly Zins at the Lodie Vineyards.

Do you have a favourite wine?  Let us know, we will check it out.

Kiss the Cook,


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