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Annamaria's Stracciatella Soup Recipe

Stracciatella Soup Recipe

Stracciatella Soup
Stracciatella Soup
This recipe I got from my friend Annamaria, she is originally from Italy, and she is really a fantastic cook.

Thank You for sharing this recipe with us.  Here is Annamaria's take on Stracciatella Soup.

Here is a recipe for an easy and fantastic soup. Enjoy!

Stracciatella Ingredients:
  • 3 Eggs
  • Salt to taste
  • 4 Tbs (60 ml) Semolina
  • 4 Tbs (60 ml) Grated Parmesan Cheese
  • Pinch of Nutmeg
  • 7 ½ Cups ( 1.7 L) of Meat Stock

Beat eggs, salt, semolina, cheese and nutmeg in a bowl. Add 1 ladle of cold stock.

Bring stock to boil, pour in egg mixture and stir thoroughly, using a whisk. Lower the heat and simmer for 2/3 minutes, beating constantly. Serve boiling hot, with the beaten eggs just breaking up into strands.

Buon Appetito, Annamaria

This recipe sounds so good, and with the cold weather here I will make some this week.

Kiss the Cook,


1 comment:

  1. I love this soup Annamaria :), it is really easy to make and taste so good (made it for lunch yesterday). I will post some pictures I took. Thank you for sharing.
