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Perry's Parsee Akoori Recipe

Parsee Akoori Recipe - Try it For Breakfast

Parsee Akoori Recipe
Parsee Akoori Recipe

Here is another fantastic recipe from my friend Perry. I will make this one tomorrow morning, can hardly wait to try this recipe.

Here are Perry's notes for this Indian recipe.

Here is a recipe for the dish I talked about. It is called AKOORI and it is very simple to make. It serves 2-3 people.

Parsee Akoori

Ingredients are as follows:
  • 3 tbs (45 ml) oil (In India they use Ghee which is essentially clarified butter)
  • 2 medium onions, finely chopped
  • 2 tbs (30 ml) finely chopped fresh coriander (also known as Cilantro)
  • 2 green chillies, finely chopped (Depends on your capacity for hot food. Slit the chili lengthwise and take out seeds before chopping if you prefer not to make it too hot!)
  • 1 medium tomato, finely chopped
  • 4 eggs
  • ½ tsp (2.5 ml) salt (or more if required)
  • 1 tsp (5 ml) of turmeric (to give it yellow colour. Some Parsees do not add turmeric. I do, as I am partial to Turmeric - Did you know that Turmeric is one of the best anti-inflammatory spices?)


Whipp Eggs
Whip or Beat Eggs
Heat oil or ghee and fry onion in it till soft but not brown. Add coriander, chillies and tomato and blend well. Cook for 3 minutes. Remove pan from heat.

Break eggs into a bowl and beat for a while till whites and yolks are well blended. Add to onion mixture and mix well. Add salt.

Return pan to the stove and cook slowly stirring all the time till the mixture is consistency of soft scrambled eggs.

Serving Instructions:

Almost Like Making Scrambled Eggs, But Better.
Almost Like Making Scrambled Eggs, But Better.
Akoori is usually eaten with fresh-baked bread for breakfast. The Akoori can also be served on lightly brown toast (just as you serve scrambled eggs on toast!)

Enjoy!  Perry

Note from Anders: This is a really great recipe. I have made this myself several times and it just fantastic. It is a nice change to the regular scrambled eggs. 

Kiss the cook,



  1. Perry, I just made this recipe and it is so good. It is a really nice change from the regular breakfast. Really enjoy the spicey taste. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Hi Karl
    Glad you liked this recipe. Yes, it is a great way to start the day if you like "hot stuff". You have a great website. Congratulations!
    Want more Parsee recipes? You just have to ask!

    Pervez (Perry) Jal Framroze Rustomji Hormasji BAMJI. That is my full name!!!!
