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Anders Cheese Ball Recipe - Holiday Version

Cheese Ball Recipe

Cheese Ball
Cheese Ball
I think just about everyone that does a bit of cooking has a recipe for a Cheese Ball.

The Cheese Ball I make for Christmas and New Years has a bit of a twist in it.

A cheese ball can be made in advance and it is always a great hit with some good crackers.

This recipe definitely qualifies for the easy button.

Here are the ingredients:
  • 2 - 250 gram containers of Island Farms Cream Cheese. If you don't have a local cream cheese dairy, use 2 - 250 gram packages of Philadelphia Cream Cheese. Let sit on counter for 2 hrs to soften.
  • ½ - ¾ package (envelop) of a cream style salad dressing. Like Ranch, Cesar...
  • 1 cup of grated Parmigiano-Reggiano Cheese
  • 1 cup of grated white old Cheddar Cheese
  • 1.5 cups of chopped Pecans, Hazelnut, Almonds or Walnuts (either one of them is fine, or mix a bunch together)
  • 1 cup of chopped sweetened Cranberries.

Roll Cheese Ball in Nuts
Roll Cheese Ball in Nuts

Cheese Roll Covered With Nuts
Cheese Roll Covered With Nuts
First mix together the cream cheese and the dressing powder.

Here you have to watch it so it does not get to strong in flavour.

All brands of dressing are different in taste and strength.

Very rarely will you require a whole package. Mix this good and taste it keeping in mind that the rest of the cheese will make it saltier.

Now mix in the Parmigiano-Reggiano and the Cheddar followed by the Cranberries.

The Cranberries gives it that festive taste. Once mixed well turn in to a ball or two separate balls.

Then roll it in the chopped nuts that you decided to use. Refrigerate.

Make sure to take out 1 hr prior to party, all cheese tastes much better if it sits our for a while.

With this recipe you can mix and match what every you want, you can even add chopped up pineapples.

You go and try something different and let me know what you come up with.

Wine Pairing and Recommendation:

Ruffino Chianti lable
Ruffino Chianti

I like a bold and robust red wine; try a wine made from mostly the Sangiovese grape like a Chianti. If you can get your hands on a "Ruffino Chianti", it's a marriage in heaven.

 If you want something a bit lighter and a very easy drinking and affordable wine, go with a "Yellow Tail Merlot " (one of my wife"s favourites).

If you must insist on a white wine I would probably go with a Pinot Grigio, but that's only if my cellar was out of red.

Kiss the Cook,


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