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Lemon Mustard Sallad Dressing

Lemon Mustard Dressing Recipe

a bowl of Lemon Mustard Dressing.
Lemon Mustard Dressing
This is a really nice refreshing salad dressing and goes well with Celery and Apple Salad, or any other hardy salad.

It is easy to make and can be made ahead of time and keeps for several days in the fridge.

The ingredients are as follows:
  • 60 ml or ¼ cup of Grey Poupon mustard (with white wine in it)
  • 30 ml or  2 tbs of  unpasteurized honey (local if you can get)
  • 60 ml or ¼ cup of freshly squeezed lemon or lime juice
  • 180 ml of ¾ cup of olive oil (buy the best you can afford)
Mix all the ingredients together and chill. It is a really refreshing salad dressing and goes a long way.

Kiss the cook,



  1. I was reading up on Jackson Grill's and noticed your blog.. i was surprised to discover this recipe which is essentially the same as one my mother makes... and now i have begun using regularly.

    I thought i was being clever adding lime juice in, but it seems not!

    One suggestion I would make is to try adding equal parts olive oil, and White Balsamic Vinegar. The white balsamic adds a great zing!

  2. Thanks for the tip Darin.
