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Pink Freud Wine Review

A Summer Rosé From Therapy Vineyards

A bottle of Pink Freud should always be on hand.
A bottle of Pink Freud should always be on hand.
Therapy Vineyards just north of Penticton in beautiful Okanagen Valley, BC produces a wonderful Rosé wine, Pink Freud.

Pink Freud is a blend of Pinot Noir, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon and Shiraz and is stainless steel fermented.

As I have mentioned before, Rosé wines are very underrated and a bargain to by.

This wine has a fruit flavoured pallet of strawberries and raspberries.

Many rosé wines are on the sweet side for pairing with food, but Pink Freud has a nice dry finish. You can pair this with just about anything.

I would definitely pair it with: salmon, vegetables of any kind, Saltspring goat cheese and a nice baguette. You go try it and let me know.

My suggestion...... Keep two bottles of Pink Freud in the fridge at all times, it's tough to settle for just one.

Kiss the cook,


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