, pub-1183232341631896, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Anders Cooks: Leg of Lamb

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Leg of Lamb

Lamb Roast or Leg of Lamb

If you can get some local lamb meat it is by far the best. Here in BC many of the Gulf Islands grow some fantastic lamb.

The way I cook my leg of lamb is very similar to the way I cook my Rack of Lamb. What I mean with that is, I use rosemary and garlic in the same manner that I do with the Rack of Lamb. I will explain below.

Here area the ingredients:
  • 2 Kg (4.5 lbs) lamb roast
  • 4-5 cloves of garlic
  • fresh rosemary
  • Montreal Chicken Spice (made by Club House) or some other rub.

Make cuts with a small knife and push in a piece of garlic (about a ¼ of a clove) followed by some fresh rosemary or do them both together. With a 2 Kg roast I would do this approximately  8-10 inserts. Sprinkle the Spice or rub all over the roast and rub it into the meat.

Roast in the hot 450°F oven for 30-40 minutes per pound. Use a meat thermometer to roast to desired doneness.

You can also cook this beast on the BBQ. Bring the BBQ up to heat and then cook over indirect heat. Indirect heat: the burner just below the roast is turned off. This way you will not get all the flare ups, remember the lamb meat can be pretty fatty.

Let the roast sit for 20-30 minutes before carving.

Wine Pairing and Recommendation: 

For lamb I prefer a Zinfandel, try "The 7 Deadly Zins", check out my review on this wine.

Bon Appetit,


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