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Suzanne's Slow Cooked Ribs

Slow Cooked Ribs, Suzanne's Way

This recipe is from my friend Suzanne. It is very easy to make and tastes just wonderful. The recipe for the sauce is good for about 4-6 racks of ribs. For best flavour and results use Baby Back Ribs.

slow cooked ribs
Ribs so tender they fall apart

Here are the ingredients for the sauce.

  • 750 ml of Ketchup (I prefer organic ketchup)
  • 1 tsp of ground Pepper
  • 2 tbs of White Vinegar
  • 2 tbs of Brown Sugar
  • 1 tbs of Dry Mustard
  • 2 cloves of Garlic, crushed
  • ½ tsp of dry Ground Sage
  • a good shake of Tabasco Sauce
  • a pinch of Red Pepper Flakes
In a saucepan, mix all the above ingredients together and bring to a light boil and simmer for 10 minutes. Stir to make sure it does not stick to the bottom. You will be surprised how much the flavour changes once it has simmered for 10 minutes.

Rib Sauce
Prepare the sauce in a large pot.
Salt & pepper ribs, rub into the meat with your hands.

Brush sauce over both sides of ribs and bake in covered roasting pan in 350°F oven for 1 hour.

Lower temperature to 275°F and bake for approx. 2 more hours. Check periodically and brush more sauce on ribs. If top ribs are getting dark move bottom ones to top.

When the bones come apart from the meat easy, they are done.

No need to worry if the ribs are done before dinner, they get better and better as they cook.

I just make a reasonable batch of sauce to cover the ribs on hand. For instance if you need more sauce for many racks adjust accordingly with more ketchup. Also if you don't like too much heat , go easy on the Tabasco & omit the pepper flakes.

Sometimes the ribs make more juice at bottom of pan, that's OK.

Just check to make sure they don't stick to bottom & on occasion I've added a bit of water towards the end of the cooking time to avoid sticking.

Thanks Suzanne for sharing this recipe with us. It is wonderful, the kids and grand kids ate a rack each.

Wine Pairing and Recommendations,

In my opinion you have lots of options here, but I think a nice Malbec or Cabernet Malbec from Argentina.  The Cabernet Malbec - Pampas Del Sur Reserve is a great and affordable wine.

Kiss the cook,


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