, pub-1183232341631896, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Anders Cooks: Lox Carpaccio or Salmon Carpaccio

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Lox Carpaccio or Salmon Carpaccio

Swedish Lox Carpaccio or Salmon Carpaccio

This is really easy to make and is a great appetizer.

  • 750 grams of Rimmad Lox
  • 100 - 150 grams of pine nuts
  • Leaves from one small plant of basil
  • 3 tbs of olive oil (not to strong in flavour. You can also use a good canola oil)
  • 3 tbs of fresh squeezed lemon juice.
  • ½ tsp of fresh ground black pepper
  • 100 ml of coarsely grated Parmesan cheese

Slice the salmon thin and place on a serving platter.

Mix the oil and lemon juice together and pour over the salmon.

Spread the basil leaves over ths salmon, ground the pepper on top, sprinkle the pine nuts, and last, spread the Parmesan over it all.

Keep cold until served. This dish can be served with some good fresh or toasted bread or my favourite is to serve it with some spinach pie or quiche.

Wine recommendations, here again, serve  a light beer like Sleeman Light. If you prefer a wine I would get a dry sparkling white wine like a Brute from Blue Mountain Vineyard and cellars.

Bon Appetit,


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