, pub-1183232341631896, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Anders Cooks: Chocolate Sauce

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Chocolate Sauce

Anders Chocolate Sauce

This chocolate sauce is so easy to make and tastes just fantastic. You can pour it on top of fruit of any kind or on top of a cake or ice cream.

Here is the recipe:

  • 250 ml / 1 cup of Cream
  • 2 tbs of sugar
  • 110 grams or 4 oz of Bakers Semi Sweet chocolate
  • 2 tbs of salted butter

Add Cream and Sugar to a thick bottom pan and slowly bring to a boil over low to medium heat, while stirring with a whisk. Make sure to keep after the bottom of the pan.

As soon as it boils, remove from heat and add the butter and chocolate and stir till it is all nicely dissolved. 

Once it cooled off a bit, pour into a serving container straining it through a siv to remove any lumps.

Your done!!  Can be served warm or cold. 

Kiss the Cook,


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