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Anders' Swedish Strawberry Cake

Swedish Strawberry Cake - The Easy Way

Swedish Strawberry Cake
Swedish Strawberry Cake
This recipe is really easy.  I first actually got it from my teacher in grade 7 when studying home economics in Sweden.

Home economics was mandatory for everyone from grade 7 through grade 9 when I grew up.

This cake is very easy to make,and you can use any kind of fruit you wish to put in between. In this recipe I will give you my absolute favourite.

Ingredients for the cake:
  • 3 large Eggs
  • 300 ml of Sugar
  • 300 ml of white Flour
  • 2 tsp of Baking Powder
  • 100 ml of Boiling Water

  • 500 ml of Whipping Cream (whipped firm)
  • 250 gr of fresh (if possible) mashed up Strawberries.
  • 250 gr of fresh or frozen mashed up Raspberries (optional). Use 500 gr of Strawberries if you don't have Raspberries.
  • 10 whole Fresh Strawberries
  • 10 whole Fresh Raspberries (optional)
  • Icing Sugar to taste

  • 1 tbs of Butter
  • Wax paper
  • Graham Wafer Crumbs or bread crumbs

Turn on the oven to 350 F - 175 C.

In a cake pan, preferably one that is in two pieces and opens up, add the butter, use a piece of wax paper and wipe all over the inside of the cake pan. Add a few tbs of Graham Wafer crumbs and rotate / tilt the pan to make sure the bread crumbs stick to the inside of the pan. Turn upside down over the sink and tap it gently to remove excess crumbs.

In a medium sized  bowl, add the 3 eggs and beat with a blender or mixer (can also be done by hand) for about 3 minutes, add the sugar, beat another 3 minutes.

Swedish Strawberry Cake with grapes.
Swedish Strawberry Cake with grapes.
In a separate bowl, mix  the flour and baking powder thoroughly, then add it to the egg mixture and blend another 3 minutes. The mixture is pretty thick at this time.

If the oven is up to heat, add the boiling water. The water must be right out of the kettle, not from the tap. Mix another minute or so till the mixture is smooth and runny.

Pour into cake pan and insert in pre-heated oven. Bake 25 - 35 minutes, depending on oven. Check the cake with a tooth pick after 25 minutes. If at the 25 minute mark the center of the cake is NOT higher then the outside, let it bake anohter 5 minutes give or take.

When checking the cake the tooth pick should come out dry, if not let it bake a few more minutes.

Once baked, remove from oven and let sit for 3 minutes, then remove from pan onto a cooling rack. The bottom part of the pan might need some help with a knife.

Mix and mash up the fruit in a bowl using a fork if using a blender, make sure that it does not get to fine and runny, add Icing Sugar to taste, not too much, the cake itself is pretty sweet.

Let the cake cool for an hour or so, then slice it with a sharp knife horizontally into two or three pieces making one or two layers. If this is your first time around you may just want to slice it once.

Whip the whipping cream till you get firm tips.

One Layer cake using only strawberries:

On the two inside parts of the cake spread a thin layer of whipping cream. This stops the cake from becoming to soggy from the berries.

On the bottom part spread a good layer of the mashed up strawberries

Add about a ¼" or 1 cm layer of whipping cream on top of the berries or onto the inside top piece.

Add the top layer, cover the whole cake with whipping cream and garnish with whole or sliced strawberries.

Two Layer cake:

As above but use raspberries in the second layer and also garnish with some whole raspberries.

This cake can be made a day ahead of time and kept covered in the fridge. I have found it actually tastes better the second day.

We have 10 kids and grand kids so far, and for all except one this cake is their birthday treat.

Wine pairing and recommendations:

This cake goes great with an Icewine, served chilled, not too cold. Try a wine of your choice from Inniskillin Winery.

The grapes picked to make icewine are useally picked when the temperature dipped below -12°C (10°F).

Kiss the Cook,


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