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Manyana® Wine From the Tempranillo Grape

Tempranillo - Manyana®

A Bottle of Manyana Tempranillo Wine from Spain
Manyana® - The write up on the back of the bottle of this lovely wine says it pretty well all: "Sometimes, the world seems to be in a hectic rush to chase it's own tail.

In the sunny Mediterranean, however, the people of Spain still take time to relax with a glass of wine, putting off to tomorrow everything that doesn't absolutely need to be done today.

A wine like Manyana®, that owes it's seductively juicy red-fruit flavour to the Tempranillo grape.

Grown almost nowhere else, Tempranillo will delight anyone who enjoys wines made from Pinot Noir or Merlot. Put your feet up, take a lazy sip and enjoy the moment. Salud!"

The Tempranillo grape is a black grape and comes from Spain. It was long thought that Tempranillo was related to the Pinot Noir grape but that does not seem to be the case anymore.

Up till the 17th century the Tempranillo grape was grown exclusively in Spain but is now planted around the world including Canada.

In Spanish Tempranillo means early and that is probably how it got it's name, it ripens several weeks earlier then most other red wine grapes.

There are two major areas in Spain where the Tempranillo grape is grown and they are Ribera Del Duero and Rioja, both in the North Central Spain. In Rioja, the Tempranillo wine is often blended with Carignan and Grenache grape varietals.

Manyana® Tempranillo pairs well with grilled meats, pasta, grilled veggies or tapas.



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