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Anders' BBQ Ribs

Pork Ribs on the BBQ

BBQ'd ribs in the summer is one easy and great meal. I know my grand children just love to dig into some nice and tender ribs.

What I have found works best, is to first boil the ribs. I do that on the side burner of the BBQ.

Here are the ingredients:

  • Pork ribs (6-8 ribs per person)
  • 2 tsp (10 ml) salt
  • BBQ sauce (home made)

First, fill a large pot with water and add the salt and the ribs. Depending on the size of the ribs I cut them into pieces of 2-4 ribs. Boil on the side burner for 1-1½ hrs, they should be very tender but not completely fall apart. When you cook them, you might get a bit of foam, skim that off into a bowl and discard.

Once they are boiled and tender, drain and leave in a colander for a few minutes. After that, smother each piece in BBQ sauce as you add them to the hot BBQ. You will only need to BBQ them for about a minute or two on each side.

Regarding the BBQ sauce:  many people have asked me for a recipe, but I make it different every time. I will get my act together and measure the ingredients one day. I usually start with Ketchup, add some Maple Syrup, Niko or Teriyaki sauce, a bit of  Worcestershire Sauce, liquid smoke, lots of garlic powder or use fresh garlic and most of the time some kind of fruit or jam.... you see anything goes, just mix what you got in the fridge and there it is. Good luck.

Wine Pairing and Recommendations:

I think here I would go with a wonderful wine from Spain. Try the Manyana, it is bright red, easy drinking, fruit driven wine with herbal aromas and flavors bursting with ripe strawberries and plums.

For a white wine, try a Pinot Gris from Tinhorn Creek. This wine has a symphony of citrus fruits intermingled with peach and apple lingering on the palate.

Kiss the cook,


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