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Anders' Cilantro Pesto Recipe

Cilantro Pesto Recipe - Anders' Way

Ingredients for Cilantro Pesto. Pine nuts, cilantro, parmigiano cheese and olive oil
Cilantro Pesto Made With The Finest of Ingredients
One day when I was using Cilantro for some Thai food, the thought came to me; "Why not make a Pesto with Cilantro"?

Cilantro is a wonderful herb that dates back to the hanging gardens of Babylon.

 It has many nick names, like Chinese Parsley, Mexican Parsley.

However the seed that grows Cilantro is Coriander seed. In other words, Cilantro is the leaves of the Coriander plant.

The Coriander seeds (one of the first spices know to man) on the other hand has a very different flavour. Way back it was even used as an aphrodisiac.

This recipe is pretty well the same as my Basil Pesto Recipe, except for the Cilantro.

Here are the ingredients:

  • 3 handfuls of fresh Cilantro (wash gently if dirty)
  • 3 cloves of Garlic (pealed)
  • 1 tsp (5 ml) of sea salt
  • 1/2 tsp (2.5 ml)of fresh ground pepper
  • 1/2 cup (125 ml) of grated fresh Parmesan Cheese
  • 1/2 cup (125 ml) of pine nuts
  • 3 - 4 tbs (45-60 ml) of Olive Oil (use cold pressed, the best you can afford to buy)

Cilantro Pesto on Slices of Fresh Bread
Cilantro Pesto on Slices of Fresh Bread
Mash up the garlic and basil with a Mortar and Pestle (or anything else you can think of). Grind in the Pine Nuts and mix well.

Add the rest of the ingredients and continue mashing or grinding it up to a thick sauce or paste.

To make things a bit easier I use a Zylizz grinder to grind the pine nuts and the cheese.

Serve with crackers, on a toasted baguette or mix it up with fresh pasta.

That’s it. Keep refreigerated.

Kiss the Cook,


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