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Seared Tuna Loin on BBQ

Seared Tuna Loin On The BBQ

Seared Tuna Loin
Seared Tuna Loin

If you love Sushi and fish, this is a really an easy and quick recipe.

Just head over to see your favourite fisherman or grocer and pick up a nice tuna loin.

The ingredients are as follows:
  • One whole loin of tuna (Sashimi grade)
  • 3 tbs Canola Oil
  • 3 tbs Teriyaki Sauce (or soy sauce, I prefer Niko Sauce from Campbell River, BC, Canada)
If the tuna loin is frozen, thaw it out, then marinate it in the oil and teriyaki sauce (about 3tbsp of each mixed together). Let the loin marinate for about one hour. If you prefer a strong flavour, you can go 3-4 hours. Just don't over do it.

Marinate The Loin.
Marinate The Loin.
When it comes to cooking the loin, I prefer to do it on the BBQ or in a sizzling hot Cast Iron frying pan.

If you cook in a frying pan, depending on the size of your pan, you probably have to cut the loin into two or three pieces.

The trick to cooking a good Sashimi grade tuna is to just sear it on the outside, it should be raw in the middle.

Tuna Loin And Vegetables
Tuna Loin And Vegetables
The cooking time in a frying pan is a bit faster then on the BBQ. In the frying pan about 1 minutes on each side (three sides) and on the BBQ 2 minutes.

You can cook it more if you prefer, but don't over cook. I like my tuna loin just to be seared ever so little on each side.

I like to serve the tuna with my Wasabi Cream Sauce, they go fantastic together. For vegetables, try stir-fried veggies on the BBQ. It is so easy and has a fantastic flavour

Once cooked, let the loin sit for one minute then cut in to serving pieces or slice (about 1/2" thick) and serve on a plate with the vegetables and Wasabi Cream Sauce. Delicious!

Kiss the Cook,


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