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Broken Ladder Apple Cider Review

Broken Ladder Apple Cider

Broken Ladder Apple Cider
Broken Ladder
Apple Cider
BC Tree Fruits Cider Company makes an apple cider called Broken Ladder. In my books, Broken Ladder is one of the finest apple ciders out there.

The BC Tree Fruits Cider Company is located right here in British Columbia in the Okanagan Valley. The tasting room is right in the city of Kelowna.

The Broken Ladder Apple Cider is crafted from six different apple varieties.

Tasting Notes:

A very well balanced cider with a golden colour. Lots of fruit with hints of almond and a nice crisp and dry finish.

To be on the safe side, always keep at least a case of this exceptional cider in your cooler. If the clan shows up, it will be gone in no time.



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