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Best Guacamole Recipe

Guacamole The Baja Way

Guacamole and Chips
Guacamole and Chips
Back in 2013 when we visited Baja Mexico for the first time we took some cooking classes in Cabo San Lucas. This was a super good experience, and I can highly recommend a cooking class when visiting another country.

Here we learned to make the best Guacamole. The most important part of making a good Guacamole is a ripe Avocado.

Pick some good avocados from your grocer, do not squeeze, and handle them gently. Then let them lay on your counter till ripe, the skin turns dark from green.

We were told that keeping it simple when making Guacamole is the best when it comes to making a good dish.

  • 1 ripe Avocado
  • 1-2 cloves of Garlic
  • ½ tsp of coarse Sea Salt or Kosher Salt.

The easy way to cut an Avocado is to use a medium-sized knife. Cut lengthwise from the top all the way into the pit all the way around to the bottom and up to the top again so you get two halves. Set the knife down and now twist both halves opposite each other and they will come apart. See my video on YouTube.

Guacamole and chips.
Guacamole and chips.
Take your knife and with the blade (not the tip) tap into the pit, twist and the pit come out.

Grab a smaller knife while holding one half in your hand, knife in the other cut through the avocado to the skin, but not through it.

Make cuts lengthwise then across you get a # pattern. Then scoop out the avocado into a bowl. Do the same with the other half.

On a cutting board add the salt in a small pile, lay the garlic on top and with the flat side of the knife mash the garlic into the salt. The salt helps to shred the garlic. You can use a garlic press if you wish.

Keep on mashing the garlic and salt till it becomes a paste.

Mash up the avocado with a fork, I like my Guacamole a bit lumpy with actual pieces of avocado, not mashed totally fine.

Add the garlic paste and mix well, serve right away with chips. Heat up the chips in the microwave for about 10 sec. If you want to make it very special, make your own tortilla chips. See my recipe, it is really easy.

Kiss the cook,


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