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Making Bacon

Bacon The Easy Way

Thick Cut Bacon on the BBQ.
Thick Cut Bacon on the BBQ. 
Bacon is a staple we use a lot in our household. It is a bit messy to prepare but I have a way around that.

First I'm really picky about what bacon I buy.

My bacon of choice is a thick cut bacon like Harvest Bacon from Saskatchewan.  Make sure to use thick cut bacon. It is far superior and much easier to handle.

Also check with your local butcher to see what they have or what they can order in. I'm all for supporting the local business if at all possible.

Buy the bacon when on sale or make a deal with your butcher.  I usually buy 4-6 kg or 9-13 lbs when there is a sale. The local butcher will more then likely give you a deal if you buy larger quantities, just ask for a discount.

Wood chip puck almost used up, smoldering on the BBQ.
Wood Chip Puck Almost Used Up.
Then what I do, is using a cookie sheet lined with heavy foil. I fire up the BBQ up and cook the bacon on it.

This way it does not mess up the kitchen and eliminates the bacon flavour lingering in to your bedroom.

A beer and some music makes this job a breeze.

Often for extra flavour I put a Bradley wood chip puck on the grill to get that extra little bit of smokey flavour. It will just sit there smoke away. This is optional.

As your bacon cooks (the lid on the BBQ should be closed) and is to your liking remove it and set aside on some paper towel to absorb some of the fat drippings. Once the bacon has cooled, place in zip lock bags or in bags for shrink wrapping.

Cooked Thick Cut Bacon
Cooked Thick Cut Bacon
The beauty with zip lock bags is that you can just take out 2-3 bacon strips and close it back up again.

It does not really matter how many strips you put in each bag, but I prefer to use smaller bags and about 10-15 strips in each bag. Then transfer to the freezer.

That's it, you are ready to make Eggs Benny in the morning, make Egg Salad Sandwiches with chopped bacon.

Having bacon ready and cooked like this is also very handy for camping. When we go RV'ing we always keep a bunch in the freezer.

You will now have a bunch of bacon fat left over. Let it cool for 15-30 minutes then take a glass jar with a tight fitting lid and scoop up the bacon fat in to the jar using a spoon. Be careful it is hot. Let cool and then stick it in the fridge. We have kept ours for months.

This bacon fat is excellent for frying up Rösti, onions or just about anything you want to add some extra flavour to.



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