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Corn on The Cob on The BBQ

Corn on The Cob

Corn on the cob is such wonderful soul food. Can be eaten just about any time. Especially nice when you can get some local corn while out and about RV'ing.

When you are camping or boating boiling some water and cooking the corn steams up the whole place and makes another dirty pot.

Here is an easy and fun way to cook up some corn with very little fuzz.

Here are the ingredients: 
  • Corn on the cob with husk on it  
  • Half a cup of water

Two Cobs of Corn With The Husk on.
Two Cobs of Corn With The Husk on.
First turn your BBQ on and get it up to about 300F. Cut a large piece of Tinfoil, shiny side up and put the corn on it.

Fold up from the sides first then the top end. Before closing the bottom add the water and close the bottom end up tight.

Set the foil with the corn on the BBQ and come back in 20 min.

Once the 20 minutes are up, with some mitts on remove the corn and set on a heatproof surface.

After a minute or two, open up the tin foil carefully, it will be steaming hot. Pull back the husk from the top down and break the bottom end off if there is a piece sticking out.

Smother with butter and add some salt and pepper.

Bon Appetite



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