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Left Over Rice on The BBQ

Left Over Rice Recipe

So while you are out RV'ing or boating and you have some leftover Rice. What do you do with it? This is a simple and easy way to cook it up and with no pots to clean afterward.

Here are the ingredients:

  • Leftover Rice   
  • 1 tbs of butter   
  • 3 tbs of water  
  • Canola Cooking Spray

Left Over Rice on the BBQ
Left Over Rice on the BBQ
Turn on your BBQ. Pre heat up to around 300F.

Cut off a good size piece of TinFoil, spray some Canola Cooking Spray on the tin foil, shiny side up.

Drop the rice in the center of the foil, add the butter on top.

Close-up almost all the way, but before closing up completely, pour in the water. Close completely.

After 15 - 20 min it's ready to eat, it will be better than when you first cooked it.

Just be careful when you first open the tinfoil up, it will be steaming hot.

Call the troops and scoop it out.

Bon Appetite,



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