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Poached Eggs in Stewed Tomatoes

Poached Eggs in Stewed Tomatoes

Poached Eggs in Stewed Tomatoes
Poached Eggs in Stewed Tomatoes
Here is a different way of putting a bit of spice into your morning breakfast.

It is really yummy and easy to make. This recipe is for two people.

Here are the ingredients:
  • 4 slices of cooked or uncooked Bacon (see my blog post for doing bacon ahead of time)   
  • 1 can 400-500 ml of stewed or Crushed Tomatoes with some spice or herbs in them. You can check at your local grocer what is available 
  • 4 large eggs   
  • 1/2 cup of cheese of your choice (goes great with a Mozzarella) 
  • salt, pepper, and spices to taste

Let The Stewed Tomatoes Simmer Till Most of The Liquid is Gone
Let The Stewed Tomatoes Simmer Till Most of The Liquid is Gone

Make a Well And Drop The Eggs Into The Well
Make a Well And Drop The Eggs Into The Well
Cut the bacon into bite-size pieces. In a frying pan or skillet add the bacon.

If the bacon is not cooked, fry till the desired doneness and if it is cooked you only need a minute or two over medium heat.

Add the stewed tomatoes and bring to boil. Simmer away till it starts to get thick or most of the watery liquid is gone.

This is a good time to add any of the spices you want. Try some hot stuff if that's your liking.

With a serving spoon, make a little well and drop one egg into it.

Do the same for the other three eggs. Cover and let cook for about 7 minutes on low, it should be bubbling away a bit though.

Sprinkle the cheese on top, cover, let rest a minute and you're ready for breakfast.

Serve as it is or on top of strongly toasted bread.

Bon Appetite,


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