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Canadian Margarita

Margarita The Canadian Way

Canadian Margarita Vodka, Key Lime and Maple Syrup
Canadian Margarita
Vodka, Key Lime, and Maple Syrup
I'm writing this as we are camped in an RV park in Palm Springs, California.

So if you have been camping for any length of time you know that sometimes you just have to improvise.

I personally think this is a good thing because of thats when you come up with some crazy ideas.

It's like this, I wanted to make myself a Margarita. Well, the only hard liquor in the chuckwagon is a bottle of French Kirkland Vodka.

Well, let's see what we can come up with. There are Key Limes or Mexican Lime in the fridge.

My wife also packed a whole bottle of Canadian Maple Syrup.... so good!

Here is the recipe:
  • 1.5 oz or 4 ml of Vodka
  • Juice of 8 Key Limes
  • 1 tbs of Canadian Maple Syrup
  • Ice cubes
Mix it all up and add more syrup if you want it sweeter. Pour mixture over ice cubes into a medium size glass or Margarita glass.



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