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Wrapped Asparagus

Asparagus Rouladen

Asparagus Rouladen
Asparagus Rouladen
So, I have to ask you, have you ever had a moment when you wake up at 2 in the morning and you have this idea.

You think about it, it's darn good, but you're a bit tired and then you roll over and go back to sleep. Big mistake!

One year later, someone is making a killing with your idea... They stole it! Well, you did not act on it so someone else was given the idea and they then acted on it.

Asparagus stuffed rouladen
Asparagus stuffed rouladen
I have had two, actually, three of these scenarios and sure wish I would have acted on the first two. What about the third idea, well it was last night.

The Asparagus stuffed rouladen sizzling away on the bbq
The Asparagus stuffed rouladen sizzling away on the BBQ
We had flown back from a month in Mexico and went to bed early.  It's 2 am, wide awake with this idea going viral in my head...

What is it? Not very exciting, fresh asparagus wrapped in rouladen meat..... wow, how stupid is that.

Not going to make much money on that one. However, I got up, wrote the crazy recipe down and tonight I cooked it up.

You know what, it's pretty darn good and I will include it in my upcoming cookbook. Can the recipe be improved on, you bet and I think I got it covered.

I know you are dying to find out more, so here it goes.

Recipe ingredients for two people:

  • 4 slices of Beef Rouladen Meat. Just ask your butcher to slice some up if you can't find it in the meat counter.
  • 8 fresh Asparagus
  • 2-3 tbs salted butter
  • salt and pepper
This is so easy and no mess. Lay out your meat on a dinner plate. Rinse the asparagus, then cut the bottom tough or hard part off (usually an inch or so). Then use a peeler and peel the bottom half of the asparagus. 

The meat should be nicely browned.
The meat should be nicely browned.

Just beautiful with some quinoa and a spicy sauce.
Just beautiful with some quinoa and a spicy sauce.
I have found that the bottom half of the asparagus skin is tougher and you will have a superior taste if you peel the bottom half of each spear.

On a cutting board. layout one of the meat slices, sprinkle with salt, then lay two asparagus spears on top and roll the meat around the spears. This is where you can change things around. Consider spreading mustard on the meat or a chipotle sauce.

Do the same with the remaining.

Fire the BBQ up to around 400 F, make a nice 12 x 14 foil plate with the edges bent up. I like to double up the foil.

Lay the butter on the foil and set on BBQ. It will not take long before it is bubbling away.

Using a BBQ basting brush spread the butter around. Then add your Asparagus Rouladen. Cook for about 15-20 min turning every 5 minutes or so. The asparagus should still be crisp.

Serve this up with some rice or quinoa.

You could let the meat cool and slice about half an inch thick and serve as an appetizer as well.

Wine Recommendations:

A Pinot Noir would probably be in order, however, and nice chilled Rosé like Latitude 50 Rosé from Grey Monk works wonders. This is not a big wine but does hold it's own. It is also very affordable. Serve chilled.



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