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Spinach Salad

Spinach Salad

Serves 2 people
Cooking and preparation time 5-15 minutes
Link to video

Spinach salad with olive oil and balsamic reduction
Spinach salad with olive oil and balsamic reduction
Easy... That's the only way to describe this recipe.

I know a lot of you do not really care for spinach, however, this easy recipe will convert you.

Spinach is a superfood and is loaded with nutrients like iron, calcium and other minerals.

It is good for your bones and helps the body build new blood cells.


  • Prewashed fresh spinach
  • Olive oil, cold pressed, buy the best you can afford
  • Balsamic reduction, Nona Pia's balsamic reduction is fantastic.
  • Toasted walnuts or macadamia nuts (optional)

Bottle of Olive Oil
Olive Oil

Bottle of Nonna Pia's balsamic reduction
Nonna Pia's balsamic reduction
That's it, it is so easy. Wash two hand fulls of fresh spinach in a colander. Set to the side and let drain.

If you want to add walnuts or macadamia nuts this is the time to roast them for about 3-5 minutes over medium heat in a no stick pan.

Make sure to move them around so you get some heat on all sides.

Divide the spinach on two plates, pour some olive oil on top, followed by the balsamic reduction.

Serve right away with a piece of bread.

Bon appétit 

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