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Seafood Stack

Anders Seafood Stack

Seafood Stack
Seafood Stack
This concoction came about because I had some leftover smoked sockeye salmon, some lox, and some shrimp in the fridge.

In my home country of Sweden, we make what's called "Smörgås Tårta". Translated to English that would read "Sandwich Cake". This can be made in so many variations. I have a whole cookbook on just Smörgås Tårta alone.

When you make one of these cakes you use just about anything. The trick here though is to use not only mayonnaise but rather mixing the mayo with whipping cream or Crème fraîche. About half and half.

We will not make a whole Smörgås Tårta today, rather one piece. it's like a double Decker sandwich.

Recipe Ingredients:

  • Hot smoked Sockeye salmon or any other salmon is fine
  • Fresh shrimp meat, chopped. Reserve a few whole shrimp
  • Cold smoked Sockeye salmon
  • 1 hard boiled egg, sliced with an egg slicer
  • 1 cup or 236 ml, whipping cream, whipped firm (you will only use about half a cup, but it is hard to whip any less than 1 cup)
  • 1 cup or 118 ml of mayonnaise
  • Dill weed, dry
  • Butter, soft
First two layers done
First two layers done

The 3rd layer done
The 3rd layer done
Whip the cream and then use about 1/2 cup of whipped cream and mix with half a cup of mayo.

Seafood Stack
Seafood Stack
Butter each piece of bread and then on the first one, add a bit of the mayo mix. Lay the hot smoked salmon in the first layer, add a bit of mayo mixture. 

Next, do the same with shrimp and finally the lox. On the top, a bit of mayo mixture, several slices of the egg, a bit of mayo mixture followed by a few shrimp and a sprinkle of dill weed.

This dish gets better if it sits for an hour or two in the fridge.

Wine pairing or recommendations:

A nice crisp Chardonnay goes great. I also like a dry apple cider or a beer.  You pick.

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