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Spinach, Bacon and Fried Eggs

Spinach, Bacon and Fried Eggs

Serves 2 people
Cooking and preparation time 20 minutes

Here is another super easy dish loaded with good stuff. It has loads of nutrients and vitamins and you can whip this up in a hurry. I prefer this dish for lunch but some of you may like this as breakfast as well.

I use precooked bacon for this. If you have not seen my tip on preparing bacon ahead of time, have a look at how I do it.

Recipe ingredients:

  • 250 grams of fresh spinach, wash the spinach if not pre-washed in package
  • ½ medium-sized onion, chopped fine
  • 4-6 strips of pre-cooked bacon. Cut into bite-size pieces
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 tbsp of butter
  • 1 tbsp of canola oil

Set two dinner plates in the oven and turn on to it’s lowest setting. In a large frying pan over medium heat add the butter and canola oil. Once the butter is melted add the chopped onions and saute for about 2 minutes, add the bacon and cook for another minute.

Now add the spinach and toss till the spinach is cooked down and turn dark green. Divide on the two preheated dinner plates.

Return frying pan to the burner and fry the eggs the way you want them. Serve with the spinach and a well-toasted piece of bread.


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