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Almond Pizza Crust

Pizza Crust From Almond Flour

Almond Pizza Crust
Almond Pizza Crust
There are lots of different recipes for almond crust pizza and I think you really have to go with your own taste and what you like.

A crust made from Almonds will not be elastic like regular pizza dough.

You can experiment with adding herbs for extra flavour. I prefer the crust to be plain and then let the toppings set the flavour.

Recipe Ingredients:

  • 1 ½ cup of almond flour
  • 1 cup of grated Parmigiana Reggiano cheese
  • ¼ cup of macadamia nut flour (you can grind the nuts yourself)
  • 3 eggs
  • ½ tsp of sea salt

  • Light your BBQ and heat your pizza stone or turn your oven on. A 400-450 oven temperature works. However, I prefer to do mine on the BBQ with a pizza stone, it is just a much nicer heat. The pizza stone should be north of 500 F or 260 C when checked with a laser infrared thermometer gun.

    Pizza with almond crust
    Pizza with almond crust
    Beat the eggs and the salt. Add the remaining ingredients and work the dough. If the dough is to dry, add some olive oil and if it is to wet add more almond flour. 

    Once the dough sticks together, sprinkle some almond flour on a clean work area and knead the dough. work it till it is no longer sticky adding almond flour accordingly. 

    You should have a nice ball once it is done. You can keep this in the fridge till you are ready to cook.

    On a 13 inch or 33 cm, pizza plate/pan or cookie sheet lined with parchment paper spread the dough out. Work from the centre out leaving the crust a bit thicker on the outside edge.

    In the preheated BBQ/Oven; slide the crust (including parchment paper) onto the pizza stone or if you are using the oven, set it in the oven on the pizza plate. Bake 5-10 minutes. Watch this closely, every BBQ/oven is different.

    Pizza with almond crust and a nice salad
    Pizza with almond crust and a nice salad
    Remove from oven and add your favourite sauce and ingredients of your liking. Bake an additional 5 minutes. This time depends a bit on how much you stack on to your pizza. 

    Let the pizza rest 5 minutes. The flavour comes out after it sits for a while.

    Good luck,


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