, pub-1183232341631896, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Anders Cooks: RV BBQ

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 The Best Little BBQ  -  TravelQ PRO285

TravelQ PRO285 By Napoleon

We purchased a TravelQ PRO285 by Napoleon for our 5th wheel trailer. We have had this little BBQ for about a year now and I have to say it is fantastic in every way.

Our slide out kitchen with BBQ
Our slide-out kitchen with BBQ

What makes the TravelQ so special is that first of all it has two burners so you can cook indirect heat. Next, the dome or the lid is high enough so you can actually put a really big roast or chicken in there. Last but not least it has cast-iron grates. 

Our trailer came with an outdoor/slide-out kitchen and it had a griddle. I found I hardly ever used the griddle for the type of cooking we do. I removed the griddle (and sold it)  and replaced it with the TravelQ.

For the lid to open properly I had to install a small slide-out battery tray and it works fantastic. See my video below.

This BBQ holds a 10 inch cast iron frying pan for making Foccacia bread, cornbread or Artisan no-knead bread. 

With the setup we have, it is very easy to prepare a meal and it works for us. Where we mostly camp, there is a lot of wildlife and it is nice to be able to just slide the BBQ back in and out of the road once it is cooled off.

Foccacia Bread on the BBQ
Foccacia Bread on the BBQ

Enjoy the camping trip,

Cheers, Anders


  1. I see you have a sink. Is it tied into a holding tank? Do you have hot/cold water?

    1. Hi, yes it is tied into the holding tank, a small sump pump transfer the wastewater. And, yes, hot and cold water. It all works very nicely. Where we mostly camp there are a lot of wild life and it is strongly recommended to pack away the BBQ at night and when not in use.

  2. Awesome 👌. Thanks for the suggestion
