, pub-1183232341631896, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Anders Cooks: Chicken Thighs on The BBQ - Anders Easy Recipe

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Chicken Thighs on The BBQ - Anders Easy Recipe

The Easy Recipe For Chicken On The BBQ

Here we got an easy way to do chicken on the BBQ. You can of course do this on in a pan as well, but with a lot more mess.

The ingredients are:
  • Boneless chicken thighs (3-5 pce per person, makes great left over chicken salad)
  • Club House - Montreal Chicken Spice (also great for pork)

The Montreal Chicken Spice and Montreal Steak Spice (by Club House) are two blended spice I always keep lots off around our place.

OK, back to the recipe, trim off any excess fat that might be on the chicken thighs, then sprinkle one side with Montreal Chicken Spice. Note, both sides will make it to strong in my opinion.

Cook the chicken over medium heat on the BBQ. I close the lid for a little bit but mostly open. The chicken cook fairly fast so try not to over cook.

Once cooked, remove from heat and let sit for five minutes before serving. This is a great recipe that goes well with any type of salad.

Wine Pairing and Recommendations:

Actually a good apple cider goes well with chicken thighs, like Broken Ladder by BC Tree Fruits Cider Company.  You can also try a crisp chilled glass of Pinot Gris like Ganton & Larsen Prospect Winery . Any Pinot Gris is fine. Do not serve to cold, just chilled a bit.

You can also have a good red British Columbia wine like, Gray Monk Pinot Noir or Calona-Vienyards Artist Series Pinot Noir. Further a Grand Pinot from Lang Vineyards will also work.

Kiss the cook,


1 comment:

  1. [...] of my long time favourites for left over BBQ Chicken Thighs is this easy to make chicken salad recipe. it’s quick and easy and is great as a side dish, on [...]
