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Mayonnaise Relish Recipe

An Easy Recipe for Mayonnaise Relish

This is a dead easy recipe for a sauce that can be used with many other food items.

In my home country of Sweden I always ordered this when I purchased a hot dog on a bun or with hot dog and mashed potatoes or with just mashed potatoes. Mashed potatoes at the burger joint? Yes, that's right.

Here are the ingredients for this recipe:
  • ½ cup cucumber relish
  • ½ cup mayonnaise

That's it. Just stir together and let sit in the fridge for ½ and hour or so to let it all blend nicely. You can change the recipe a bit by using ¼ of mayonnaise and ¼ cup of Creme Fresh

This sauce can be used for many things, like hot dogs, definitely with mashed potatoes, put on top of steamed asparagus, on fish or with my Cornflake Taters. Try it anything, it's yummy. Good luck.

Kiss the Cook


1 comment:

  1. [...] Serve with your choice of meat, hot dogs goes great. You can also just eat them by themselves as a snack and dip in your favourite sauce or use my Mayonnaise Relish Sauce. [...]
