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Apple and Celery Salad

You will love this Salad

Ingredients For Apple Cellery Salad Recipe
Ingredients For Apple Celery Salad Recipe

I know exactly what you are thinking; "Celery and Apple".

That's right, don't wrinkle your nose. You and your friends will love it.

This salad is hardy enough to be served as lunch with a piece of rye bread and some Swiss Gruyere Cheese.

It's really easy to make and can be made several hours ahead of time.

Here are the ingredients.
  • 1  large head of celery ribs, use local organic if you can get.
  • 2 -3 apples. Use two large or 3 small ones.
  • 240 ml or 1 cup of roasted nuts. You can use walnuts, pecans, hazelnuts, pine-nuts or whatever kind you like.
The dressing I prefer for this salad is the Lemon Mustard Salad Dressing.

The ingredients for the dressing are as follows:
  • 60 ml or ¼ cup of Grey Poupon mustard (with white wine in it)
  • 30 ml or  2 tbs of  unpasteurized honey (local if you can get)
  • 60 ml or ¼ cup of freshly squeezed lemon or lime juice
  • 180 ml of ¾ cup of olive oil (buy the best you can afford)

Mix all the ingredients for the dressing in a large bowl. Then remove all the ribs of celery and rinse with water. Trim the ends in both.

Peel away the touch strings on the outside of the celery.
Peel away the touch strings on the outside of the celery.
Now the most important, you'll thank me for this one. On the two outside layers of celery ribs use a potato peeler and peel off the outside tough stringy stuff that most of the time is there. For a video on how to do this, have a look at my video on my YouTube Channel

As you get closer to the centre the ribs are more tender and do not need to be peeled. Chop all the celery including leaves if there are some and add them to the dressing.

Quarter the apples and peel and remove seeds (do one quarter at the time so they don't turn brown on you). Then cut in half, lengthwise and then slice in thin 2-3 mm thick and mix each batch. Make sure to toss them in the dressing as soon as they are sliced so they don't turn colour on you.

Cut Apple in to Bite Size Pieces.
Cut Apple in to Bite Size Pieces.

Chop Cellery
Chop Celery

Roasted Walnuts
Roasted Walnuts
To roast the nuts, turn your oven on to broil with the rack close to the top and make sure it is up to heat.

Put the nuts on a cookie tray and put in the oven for about 2-3 minutes.

They burn easily so watch it (I know from experience).

Once the nuts are cooled off and you are ready to serve you have two options, you can just sprinkle them on top or add them to the salad and toss.

I usually ask my guests if they have any food dislikes or allergies when I invite them. I mark it down in my note section in my contacts in Gmail.

Next time you have them over, you know what their allergies and or food dislikes are.

Just saves some embarrassment. There are a lot of people that are allergic to nuts, seafood etc.

Good luck.

Kiss the cook,


1 comment:

  1. [...] is a really nice refreshing salad dressing and goes well with Celery and Apple Salad, or any other hardy salad. It is easy to make and can be made ahead of time and keeps for several [...]
