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Wine Review - Pinot Meunier Rosé

Pinot Meunier Rosé From 8th Generation Vineyard

Pinot Meunier Rose From 8th Generation Vineyard
Pinot Meunier Rose From 8th Generation Vineyard
Thank You, Natasja, Dave and Taylor, who gave us this wonderful bottle of Pinot Meunier Rosé.

This crisp wine comes from 8th Generation Vineyard in Summerland BC.

Intense fruity berries with strawberries on top of the heap and refreshing grapefruit on the Palate.

A true Mediterranean creation from 100% Pinot Meunier grapes. Serve chilled, but not too cold.

The Pinot Meunier grape is a black grape and it is mostly famous for being one of the three grape varieties that is used in Champagne ( the other two are Pinot Noir and Chardonnay). 

The Pinot Menuier grape dates back to the 1500's. This grape is one of the most commonly planted grapes in France, also grown in Germany, the German speaking part of Switzerland as well as in Austria. 

It is also grown in California, Australia, and in Canada. New Zealand just recently started growing this variety as well.

Pair this wine with all kinds of cheeses, like Swiss Gruyere, Fontina from Italy or just get some cheese of some kind. As I have mentioned before, a good Rosé can be matched with just about anything, just give it a try.

My suggestion, buy this wine by the case.....

Kiss the cook,



  1. [...] » Wine Review – Pinot Meunier Rosé Kooking With Karl Blog: Your … Tags: africa, favourite, karls-chili, pinot, review, twitter-updates, wine, wordpress-themes [...]

  2. The word wine has originated from a Proto-Germanic word winam which means grape. The earliest cultivation of grapevine Vitis vinifera first started in wine clubs
